Personal/ Welfare Support

Personal/ Welfare Support

Any student who is experiencing personal/ welfare issues that require counselling can access the Gippsland Institute of Technology external welfare counselling service. The Student support officer can arrange this. Wheelers Hill Medical Centre will provide student welfare services to Gippsland Institute of Technology students who are referred from Gippsland Institute of Technology. Gippsland Institute of Technology will liaise with Wheelers Hill Medical Centre, the student andto facilitate the arrangement and provision of counselling services.

Wheelers Hill Medical Centre will provide counselling for personal/ welfare issues where it has been identified by the student and/ or Gippsland Institute of Technology that the student requires access to counselling services.

Students are liable to pay the fees incurred if they access external welfare support services during their studies at Gippsland Institute of Technology. The Institute will not charge any fees for arranging access to external support services. Examples of issues that will require referral may be:

  • If the student is encountering anxiety/ depression or displaying symptoms of mental health issues
  • If the student is experiencing significant difficulties with adjusting to Australia and/ or life without their family support network
  • If the student has personal issues around relationships, issues with members of their family that are subsequently negatively impacting the student.
  • If the student has issues with drugs or alcohol or some other form of dependency.

English Language Support

Students who experience difficulties with English language are provided support by our student services department. If a student is having difficulty understanding lessons, reading and or submitting written work to an appropriate standard they should be referred to the student services department. All delivery, assessment and instruction are carried out in English unless otherwise stated. There may be the opportunity available to you for “reasonable adjustment” concerning the assessment process, depending on the level of support you require. Contact the Student services officer for further information.